Parents & Friends Association

The Scone Grammar School Parents & Friends (P&F) is an organisation that supports the aims and objectives of the School. It does so through the promotion of fundraising, fellowship, friendship and fun. The SGS P&F has made an enormous contribution to the School over the years generating considerable funds for School projects and building programmes. For each year student group, volunteer liaison parents help co-ordinate the P&F efforts throughout the year as well as arranging social events and get togethers for families. This network provides families the chance to meet informally which is particularly valuable for new parents to the School.  The Parents & Friends Association are a warm and supportive group and all parents are encouraged to become involved.

The Scone Grammar School Fete (in May) is our major fundraiser for the year – a great community event and chance for the whole school to come together. We are always looking for new and interesting ideas for stalls and would love to hear from parents.

SGS P&F Constitution


All general meetings are held in the School library, meeting dates are announced on Grammar Hub so keep an eye out. The President, who is elected at the AGM, chairs meetings. There is also an election for a Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Everyone is most welcome to attend all meetings, but to vote on motions individuals must be a member of the association.


Application forms for membership can be obtained here. The main purpose of the P&F is to connect the School community through fundraising functions and by organising social functions. Membership is $10 and you can make payment by clicking the link:

Get in touch

Please email our P&F Association if you would like to join in P&F discussions, help out or share ideas.